

Feb 05, 2024

3 Ways Full Moons Can Wreak Havoc on Illinois Sleep Schedules

Every month the moon goes through 8 different cycles, and science has proven that one of those cycles can really affect the quality of your sleep.

For the last few years, I have struggled falling and staying asleep a couple of nights every month and I just attributed it to getting older. I mean let's face it, thousands of different life things can lead to trouble sleeping. Everything from stress and busy schedules to poor diets and too much screen time can seriously alter how much sleep a person gets, but the one thing I never thought I'd hear being blamed for poor sleep is; the moon.

When my sleep troubles came up in a recent conversation with my Mom she said, "I have problems sleeping too every time there's a full moon".

Excuse me, what? Is my mother going wacky as she gets older, or is she legitimately on to something?

You know what I noticed the next time I had trouble sleeping for a few nights in a row? It was a full moon outside.

According to the Sleep Foundation;

compelling evidence suggests that lunar cycles may compromise sleep, with the full moon phase being most disruptive.

Sleep studies have found that people take longer to fall asleep, get less quality sleep, and don't stay asleep as long when there's a full moon, but why is this so?

Here are 3 reasons full moons can make you toss and turn all night;

I know that looks like a bunch of science mumbo-jumbo, but I think there's some truth to it. I've slept terribly the last two nights, and look what's on tap for tonight...a super rare, Blue Super Moon. Hmmm.

Sleep Foundation;MoonlightElectromagnetismGravity